Reported January 2025:
President, Trevor Harvey, and Executive Committee Member, Mike Weddle, attended the NAACP Florida Quarterly Training in Orlando.
Reported November 2024
Help after Hurricane Milton continued with the distribution of water, gas, and gift cards to Publix, Wawa and Walmart. (View the 2 videos in the Gallery)
Through the continuous efforts of the Political Action/Voting Committee the November 5th Election had a voter turnout of 84%. The School Referendum of a 1 mill renewal was passed to help ensure quality education.
A Legal Redress item is currently under consideration.
Following Branch elections on November 21, 2024, we welcome Stephen Butler, Teresa Harvey, Vicki Hatch and Joseph Mack to our Executive Committee.
Reported October 2024:
Organized and participated in several Hurricane Relief events. Distributed
supplies, food and gave help in completing FEMA applications.
Finalized Link Up the Vote webinar. Webinar scheduled for Tuesday,
October 29, 2024. Panelists will be Dr. Rosalind Osgood, President Mt. Olive
Development Corp; Trevor Harvey, President Sarasota County Branch
NAACP; Kathy McEachran, League of Women Voters.
Members of the Youth Group collected soil from an area known as a
lynching site in Parrish. The soil will be stored at the Lynching Memorial in
Sarasota at the Unitarian Universalists Church as well as at the Lynching
Memorial in Alabama.
Met with the family members of the man harassed while walking in a
Sarasota community and detectives of the Sarasota Sheriff’s Department.
Assisted family in securing legal counsel.
Sarasota NAACP had various members participating in the Sept. 17th National Registration Day and the Sept. 21st Black National Registration Day.
Florida’s Amendment Guide for the November 5th General Election has been sent to all members.
Members of the Youth Group will participate in the Manasota Remembers Soil Collection project where soil from local lynching sites will be collected. Half of the soil collected will stay in Sarasota at the Unitarian Universalist Church memorial site and the other half will be sent to the National Memorial for Peace and Justice in Montgomery, AL.
Members of the Youth Group will participate in the 2024 Freedom Awards Banquet.
President Trevor Harvey attended the Florida NAACP State Conference.
Reported September 2024:
November 21, 2024, the election of officers and at-large members of the
Executive Committee will be administered using our electronic voting
platform, Election Buddy. Although you can only vote once, you will
receive a ballot on both your listed email address AND your mobile
phone. Voting will be open from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm. on November 21,
2024. To vote in the Branch election, you must be a member in good
standing of the Branch 30 days prior to the election.
Reported July 2024:
Three of our members attended the National NAACP Convention in July. They had many positive experiences while attending various sessions. They plan to share information locally from the workshop titled, Misinformation and How to Recognize It.
President Trevor Harvey had his monthly meeting with Police Chief Troche. He reported on a continued, positive movement toward Community Policing citing the example of local Police Officers giving their own time mentoring children living in the housing projects. The Chief’s roundtable, which is working to curtail gun violence, has met twice.
In his monthly meeting with Superintendent Connors, President Harvey learned that there have been positive academic gains in the lower quartile of the student population. He is waiting to see the demographic breakdown of the growth.
The African American Education Task Force is on course to ensure that African American history will be presented accurately while providing a wide variety of resources for teachers.
Members of Sarasota NAACP are collaborating with the Sarasota Public Education Network (PEN) to ensure the passage of the Nov. 5th Millage Referendum for Sarasota Schools. We are advocates for a strong Public School System.
Reported June 2024:
Sarasota Branch Freedom Award Banquet is scheduled for October 3, 2024 at the Hyatt. Awardees have been selected and will be announced shortly.
The Board of Education’s African American Task Force will have its first meeting on July 25th. Four members of the Branch will sit on this task force.
Members of the Branch will be part of the Police Department Roundtable to find solutions to the increase of gun violence. DCF, DJJ, State Attorney’s Office and other stake holders will be part of the development of strategies to decrease the violence.
Reported May 2024
Three members of the Sarasota NAACP Executive Committee will be on the African American Task Force for Education. The first meeting will be on June 25th.
President Trevor Harvey has met with Sarasota Police Chief Troche regarding the late-night noise on Washington Ave. The city is doing a study and data analysis of the situation. The Police Department is consistently monitoring and issuing both citations and warnings. Miami is currently running a pilot program involving cameras based on decibel output. The Sarasota Police Department is following the progress of that pilot program for possible use in the city.
The President is currently working on two legal redress concerns.
The Freedom Award Banquet Committee has announced the date for the 2024 affair. The awards banquet is scheduled for Thursday, October 3 at 6:30 pm. The event will be held at The Hyatt.
Reported April 2024
Branch voted to send financial assistance to relief efforts of the Jackson County Branch. This contribution will significantly aid efforts devastating provide essential assistance to those most affected by last year’s
Reported March 2024
Members attended SURE’S Nehemiah Action session. Working towards more affordable housing was selected as SURE’s focus.
Participated in the Black Family Wellness Expo
Continued to work with Superintendent Conner to develop a task force to address how Black History is taught in Sarasota County schools.
Continuing a program started in 2022, Bill Woodson made a presentation to the new class of Sarasota City Police recruits in an effort to build more trust and understanding between the police department and the community it serves.
Reported February 2024
Met with Sarasota Schools Superintendent Conner to discuss his transitional plan and plans for closing the school achievement gap
Met with Chief of Police Troche to discuss 2023 falling crime statistics
Volunteered to participate in the Student Code of Conduct Focus Group for the school district
Followed up on 2 legal redress issues filed through our website.
Made plans to hold fundraising events in order for the Youth members to attend the NAACP National Convention in Las Vegas. Find more information about the above by attending an upcoming meeting.